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Fig. 1 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 1

From: Regulatory T cells limit age-associated retinal inflammation and neurodegeneration

Fig. 1

Treg depletion in aged but not young mice accelerates retinal neurodegeneration. A Diagram of the treatment regime and research groups. B-E Immunostaining and quantitative analysis of photoreceptors. Representative images showing photoreceptors in the ONL (B) (Cones, CA+; Rods DAPI+ CA) in young and aged Foxp3-DTR (scale bar = 50 µm). Quantitative analysis of the number of rows of DAPI+ nuclei in the ONL (C). Quantification of the number of cone photoreceptor cells (D) (CA+ cells) and the number of rod photoreceptors (E) (CADAPI+ cells in ONL). F-J Immunostaining and analysis of rod bipolar cells (F–H) and cone bipolar cells (I, J). Representative image of PKC-α (F) (red) and synaptophysin (blue, lower panels). Arrows indicate abnormal location of some PKC-α+ cell soma lower within the INL. Arrowheads indicate abnormal rod bipolar dendrite and synaptic vesicles sprouts into the ONL (scale bar = 25 µm). Quantitative analysis of the number of PKC-α+ cells (G) (n = 3–6 mice) and (H), percentage of PKC- α+ somas found in a lower location out of the total of PKC-α+ cells (n = 3–6 mice). Representative image (I) (scale bar = 25 µm) and quantification of rod bipolar cells in the INL (J) using secretagogin staining. K-N Analysis of IBA-1+ microglial cells and GFAP+ Müller cells determined by immunohistochemistry. Representative image of microglial cells (K) (IBA-1+, purple) and gliotic Müller cells (GFAP+ fibers, green) (scale bars = 50 µm). Quantitative analysis of the percentage of total GFAP+ area (L), the number of GFAP+ fibers in the ONL (M) and total number of IBA-1+ cells in all layers of the retina (N). Data information: B-N, n = 3-6 mice, data presented as mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; 1-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test. Statistical comparisons that were not significant are not indicated in the graphs

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